понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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My neck pains isnapos;t over yet after 2 weeks, and the resulting headaches I get are still prevalent. It doesnapos;t matter what I do, and Iapos;d rather not be eating paracetamol every minute, so my headaches stay around and Iapos;m frankly getting sick of this.
So, yeah, finally made an appointment with the doc on Thursday morning. Hopefully I can get something that get rids of those aches.
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

alhambra in granada

So now at Foxwoods You cant turn your chair around and sit with your chest on the back of the seat.. Kinda gay but sometimes you just wanna switch up the way your sitting.. 2nd is you now cant wear Hoodies.. Well you can wear them just you cant wear the hood on your head. Once again this really wont effect me but foxwoods institues so many stupid rules its kinda getting annoying. I like to see how these rules along with the Obv cell phone rule (no texting or touching your phone at the table) Your ipod has to be in your pocket. And stuff like this is inforced starting tommaro at the WPT .. I guess we will see..

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So I managed to make it through a week long mass power-outage without ever actually being without power. Miraculous, considering we had 100 power outage for the second time in history. First and foremost, I am not surprised by the way people came out and came together to get things done. We are, after all, used to these storms. I am, however, surprised at the lessened looting and fist fights. But, more sensibly, this is Baton Rouge and those types of problems belong more to New Orleans. Although, an angry black woman did get out at a red light and attempt to fight me and I do not know why. She immediately tried to fight a guy in another truck so I guess thatapos;s just kind of apos;her thingapos;. Hmm.. Anyway, my point is this, where the hell did all these bucket trucks come from? Thatapos;s what Iapos;m getting at. Sadly, this is my big apos;shockerapos;.... That there are way more bucket trucks than one, not currently in this area, could ever have imagined. Did they drive in from other areas....? Perhaps.

Anyway, lifeapos;s good. Take it easy.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

braque the portuguese

Wednesday i got to stick my arm inside a cow so that i could feel inside itapos;s rumen.
it looked much like this (although i wasnapos;t a pussy and didnapos;t plug my nose):

i smelt like cows for the rest of the day.
and i didnapos;t really mind all that much either.
oh, and just so you know, cows are big.
i mean, i knew that cows were big.
but then i walked into the barn and went "JESUS" because cows are HUGE.

today i took a three hour nap.
it was amazing.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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This financial crisis bullshit is chappinapos; my ass. While the bailout fiasco is providing me with one helluva Halloween costume idea, and for that Iapos;m grateful, the half assed "solutions" that both parties are proposing are, well, half assed. So here we go, Iapos;m going to solve the financial crisis. I dedicate this one to Nicole...

First off, recognize the problem. It isnapos;t falling assets. Housing prices and stocks go up and down, thatapos;s what they do. The problem is the credit freeze between banks. The reason banks wonapos;t lend to each other is because no one know who has what capital where. The tranche-ing of MBS and all the CDS bullshit ensured that. Ergo, the problem is too much debt, too little equity...in plain English...we gots no actual monies. Credit is not necessarily a bad thing. Itapos;s the way banking works. If I deposit $100 at a bank, the bank keeps $10 on reserve and uses the remaining $90 to invest or loan to other customers. This is banking. But it becomes a problem when you loan that money to people to canapos;t pay it back (NINA loans...seriously...whoapos;s kidding?), when you donapos;t keep enough actual capital on reserve, and when youapos;re stupid enough to borrow money from other banks to buy back all the bad loans that have no been repackaged in oh so pretty ways. Yes, our amazing financial sector did all of the above.

Now we get to the part where I call Paulson an idiot. Buying up at-risk assets from banks will dooo...what? Nothing. It will prettify the situation. But even if you give Amy Winhouse a makeover, sheapos;s still a fucking disaster. You can make the balance sheet look better, but thereapos;s still no bloody capital.

Solution: First step is triage. Like we do in the South, when yer dawgs lookinapos; dead-like, take apos;er out back and shoot apos;er. Let the bad banks die. Nationalize them and sell of the good stock to strong banks so that the FDIC isnapos;t further strained. Step two, the Warren Buffet step. Recapitalize good banks by buying preferred stock. Hell, even go so far as to announce a federal matching program where every private investment into a bank is matched dollar for dollar by the government. Be like Sweden.

Once banks are no longer in danger of going tits up at a momentapos;s notice, normal lending will return.

Ok, now some quick last minute on the ground stuff... 1) Recapitalize banks. See above. 2) I hate to say this, but suspend dividends for a while. Itapos;ll be wildly unpopular, bank share prices will drop, but at least banks will have access to their own money. 3) Workout repayment plans for mortgages that have any hope whatsoever. The rest...triage. And for whoever our next president may be, 4) Restructure regulations with caution. This is a free market economy. Socialism is no the answer, but we do need a bit more structure.

There. Problem solved. Now was that so hard?

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for heavens sake

Dear Minister Conroy,

As a nation, we already suffer from slower speed internet access compared to our Western relatives, and have speeds many orders of magnitude slower than advanced Asian countries such as Japan. We suffer from a monopolistic telecoms carrier that abuses its past priveleges, and who spent considerable lobbying effort late last year in trying to gain another monopoly in the form of fibre to the node, which was due to be slower than even the access I already have out here in rural Australia (which is not quick, by any means, as the aforementioned monopolistic carrier will not allow access to already deployed DSLAMs).

I implore you not to cause further disadvantage to internet users in Australia by forcing ISPs to employ deep packet inspection or similar technology to comply with an ill-thought out compulsorily censored internet feed.

I do not use the internet to obtain illegal material, do not have children in the house, and will be lobbying against your party in the next state and federal elections if I am forced to pay extra for slower internet access which is likely to suffer from false positive detection in a way that has been demonstrated for every single filtering scheme invented in the past.

Iapos;ll finish by saying that I have traditionally been a Labor supporter, but now that we finally have a liberal Liberal leader, I and others will find it a lot easier to vote for them in the future. Please keep this in mind before adopting overly paternalistic and populistic, but ill thought out policies in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Tim Connors

Should I sign this
"System Administator (and hence Internet Service Provider for employees of )", or would that be speaking on their behalf, which Would Be Bad?

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Iapos;ve been hesitant to post this. It is late, and Iapos;m annoyed at both our candidates for president. I watched the creepy video of children singing for Obama so Iapos;m in a mood to talk about him.� Though Iapos;m voting for Obama, I find a few things about his campaign damn annoying.

The only difference between Obama and any other Democrat is the color of his skin.

There I have said it. He votes with the democratic party 97 of the time. Electing him would be no different than electing Biden, Clinton or Jack Kennedy.� The only real change to look forward too is the change from Republican to Democrat. Many will argue they are not that much different. Democrats will just spend more on domestic issues where Republicans spend on stupid greedy wars. This is an preferable ldquo;changerdquo; given the last eight years, but nothing I really look forward too.

All these people talking about change and hope are going to be disappointed. He is really just a good old fashioned politician.� Once you look under the surface it is nothing new.

The only change is symbolic, and if you expect anything new from him you have not been paying attention to much besides the color of his skin.

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i hate staring at my phone, waiting.� i hate obsessively logging onto myspace to see if youapos;ve replied.� i hate that youapos;re my boyfriend, but for some reason you wonapos;t talk to me.� almost a fucking week.

i fucking hate everyone.� except for one person, who always makes me feel better.� and another who tries her hardest, even if she is so far away--and i canapos;t wait to see her in 8 days for her birthday :)

my friends honestly kind of suck when it comes to helping me.� based on the past.� just saying.


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