Meh, having a bit of a boring day today. I admit, I do have work that needs to be doing for college, but I donapos;t feel in the right mood to do it just yet. Itapos;s not a stupendous amount of work, its just finishing something off from my last lesson and what-not.
Argh, I want to do something creative, but I canapos;t pull myself round to doing stuff. Itapos;s all well and good having a head full of ideas, but I can never seem to get them down on paper.
Eh, maybe iapos;m just not in the right mood at the moment. Hopefully itapos;ll spring back sooner or later, but I wish itapos;d hurry up cuz itapos;s getting me down XP;.
... Or maybe iapos;m just being lazy. *Sigh* I canapos;t really go around saying iapos;m bored when I know thereapos;s stuff for me to do... But thatapos;s just what I do XP.
Iapos;m a bit of a failure to myself in that respect. Guess I still have some growing up to do.
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