пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

climbing video clips

Iapos;ve been hesitant to post this. It is late, and Iapos;m annoyed at both our candidates for president. I watched the creepy video of children singing for Obama so Iapos;m in a mood to talk about him.� Though Iapos;m voting for Obama, I find a few things about his campaign damn annoying.

The only difference between Obama and any other Democrat is the color of his skin.

There I have said it. He votes with the democratic party 97 of the time. Electing him would be no different than electing Biden, Clinton or Jack Kennedy.� The only real change to look forward too is the change from Republican to Democrat. Many will argue they are not that much different. Democrats will just spend more on domestic issues where Republicans spend on stupid greedy wars. This is an preferable ldquo;changerdquo; given the last eight years, but nothing I really look forward too.

All these people talking about change and hope are going to be disappointed. He is really just a good old fashioned politician.� Once you look under the surface it is nothing new.

The only change is symbolic, and if you expect anything new from him you have not been paying attention to much besides the color of his skin.

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