понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

auban pan

10 Immediate Goals:

1) Get a work VISA
2) Stop smoking... That means smoking anything.
3) Learn to play the guitar. Thereapos;s a certain amount of pathetic in owning a guitar just to hold it and look cool.
4) Get a new skate helmet.
5) Make certain things up to Lauren.
6) Make some new friends.
7) Write some letters.
8) Get enough courage to show some poetry to Lauren.
9) Find a gym.
10) Find out the best way to make a good impression/present myself for when we go to the reservation.

10 Names I like.

1) Helaku
2) Francis
3) Simon
4) Daniel
5) Max

1) Alice
2) Robin
3) Natalie
4) Kay
5) Lena

10 annoyances:
1) VISAs and all their steps.
2) My insecurities
3) Jayapos;s boyfriend Tim and how he thinks my name is Arnold
4) Societal standards
5) The way people in America treat gays
6) The fact that my family is far away.
7) The paper cut I got this morning. Ouch.
8) Slob roommates
9) The cost of adapters for UK appliances
10) The fact that I canapos;t beat Phil at Halo

continuing education rn free, auban pan, aubance, aubande.

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